Swamp Rosemallow (Hibiscus grandiflorus)
Full sun
High water needs.
Size: 6-10 ft tall x 4 ft wide
Bloom time: Summer
Winter dormant. Host plant for the following butterflies and moths: Gray Hairstreak, Painted Lady Butterfly, Common Checkered Skipper, Tropical Checkered Skipper, Pearly Wood Nymph, Yellow Scallop Moth, Io Moth, and Delightful Bird-Dropping Moths.
High water needs.
Size: 6-10 ft tall x 4 ft wide
Bloom time: Summer
Winter dormant. Host plant for the following butterflies and moths: Gray Hairstreak, Painted Lady Butterfly, Common Checkered Skipper, Tropical Checkered Skipper, Pearly Wood Nymph, Yellow Scallop Moth, Io Moth, and Delightful Bird-Dropping Moths.