Dune Sunflower (Helianthus debilis)
Full to part sun.
Does not need any water once established
Size: 2-3 ft tall x 3 ft wide
Bloom Time: Year around
If you want a native plant that puts on a show and thrives on neglect, then plant dune sunflower! It tolerates beach-like conditions. The bees and butterflies love its little sunflower blooms. It sometimes dies back in the winter. If it does, just roll up the little dead branches, and it will come back even stronger in the spring.
Does not need any water once established
Size: 2-3 ft tall x 3 ft wide
Bloom Time: Year around
If you want a native plant that puts on a show and thrives on neglect, then plant dune sunflower! It tolerates beach-like conditions. The bees and butterflies love its little sunflower blooms. It sometimes dies back in the winter. If it does, just roll up the little dead branches, and it will come back even stronger in the spring.