Dahoon Holly (Ilex cassine)
Full sun to part shade
Average to low water needs
Size: 10-30' tall
Bloom time: Spring
Size: 20-30'- 8-12' wide
This native holly is dioecious, meaning the male and female flowers on separate plants. It provides significant food and cover for wildlife. The blooms attract bee pollinators, while small mammals, turkey, quail, red-eyed vireos and a wide variety of other songbirds eat the fruits. The thick foliage provides excellent cover for small birds. It hosts a wide variety of insects and spiders, which, in turn, are eaten by many kinds of birds. The growth is more upright than broad. Grows naturally in wetter conditions but will tolerate drier soils.
Average to low water needs
Size: 10-30' tall
Bloom time: Spring
Size: 20-30'- 8-12' wide
This native holly is dioecious, meaning the male and female flowers on separate plants. It provides significant food and cover for wildlife. The blooms attract bee pollinators, while small mammals, turkey, quail, red-eyed vireos and a wide variety of other songbirds eat the fruits. The thick foliage provides excellent cover for small birds. It hosts a wide variety of insects and spiders, which, in turn, are eaten by many kinds of birds. The growth is more upright than broad. Grows naturally in wetter conditions but will tolerate drier soils.