Climbing Aster (Symphyotrichum carolinianum)
Blooms best in the sun, but will tolerate some shade.
Average water needs.
Size: 10+ ft tall
Bloom Time: Fall
Climbing aster is a robust, vine-like shrub that produces many fragrant daisy-like blooms. It occurs naturally in marshes and along riverbanks, but is adaptable to a drier home landscape. It typically flowers in late fall and is an excellent nectar source for many butterflies and bees. Because of its loose shape, it looks best in a more natural landscape. To keep it looking tidy, feel free to give it a trim after blooming.
Average water needs.
Size: 10+ ft tall
Bloom Time: Fall
Climbing aster is a robust, vine-like shrub that produces many fragrant daisy-like blooms. It occurs naturally in marshes and along riverbanks, but is adaptable to a drier home landscape. It typically flowers in late fall and is an excellent nectar source for many butterflies and bees. Because of its loose shape, it looks best in a more natural landscape. To keep it looking tidy, feel free to give it a trim after blooming.